Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Welcome to Hairchurch

HAIR CHURCH is derived from a fervid force to reclaim the power of Afro-curly hair, change the perspective of Black hair care, and deliver the message that GREEN is the new color of beauty.

There is a critical need to address the epidemic proportions of hair loss and the increased dependency of wigs and weaves primarily in our Afro-curly culture. We are hair care tricologist that do not suggest or practice damaging hair techniques for the sake of style. We do not condone using harsh chemicals, color, and constant high levels of heat. Afro-curly hair has the capacity to grow long, maintain the necessary levels of moisture, and can become quite manageable when we become more knowledgeable about it, and when we stop diminishing it's integrity. The driving force of HAIR CHURCH is to eliminate the use and dependency of destructive hair practices through re-education seminars and making products that will enable you to fall in love with the texture of your hair. The science behind these eye-opening symposiums and innovative hair products are backed by experienced African-American scientists through facts and real research spanning over a half-century.